Personal Training
Personal Training with ADVENTURE READY COACHING will get you maximum results in minimum time.
Benefit from a whole new level of personalisation
Highly Personalised
Personal Training with ADVENTURE READY COACHING allows a whole new level of personalisation where the entire private gym is your playground and your training sessionand program is custom-built to!
- Maximise your efficiency for better results with less time and effort!
- Best target your specific goals, needs, schedules, preferences and adventures!
You are also welcome to bring up to 3 of your favourite other people (such as friends and/or family) to join your Personal Training session(s) at no additional cost so that you can all chase your individual fitness goals together! All regular Personal Training clients will also have access to their own personalised training programs via our member app, which will be consistently updated along the way as needed.
Session Bookings
- Contact Nick directly to manage your training session bookings.
- Bookings are essential, available up to 1 month in advance and can be rescheduled up to 24hrs in advance. If you are unable to book in and attend your weekly coaching session for any reason, it will not be refunded or ‘credited’ to use in the following week(s).
- Payment can be completed before your session via the PayPal/Stripe portal on this website, personalised invoices within our members app and/or eftpos terminal.
PT Membership
8 week minimum
- $120/week = 1 x 50min PT sessions per week
- $230/week = 2 x 50min PT sessions per week at $115 each
- $330/week = 3 x 50min PT sessions per week at $110 each
- $420/week = 4 x 50min PT sessions per week at $105 each
- $500/week = 5 x 50min PT sessions per week at $100 each
All memberships:
- Have an 8-week minimum term to best support training progressions, healthy habit formation and sustainable lifestyle changes.
- Can be paused by Nick when people need time off (eg. holidays, sickness, etc) and he is given at least 1 week notice.
Casual Passes
- $125 = 1x casual pass for 1x 50min PT session